: 66 2 681-6669 Mon-Fri: 8:30am - 5:30pm

Methane Gas & Discharged Water Piping Project

  • Methane Gas & Discharged Water Piping Project


Double A Ethanol Company Limited has planned to send methane gas as a produced biogas from waste water treatment
plant(WWTP) to lime kiln plant. Total distance of pipe line is around 2,000 m. following main pipe bridge/pipe rack that was
provided by the Client. But there is some place need designer to design pipe support. After waste water was treated from
waste water treatment plant (WWTP), it will be transferred to the irrigation pond of 304IP. Total distance of pipe line is
around 500 m. (roughly 400m. on main pipe bridge/pipe support and 100 m. is underground pipe) with 250 m3/hr flow rate.

Client: Double A Ethanol Company Limited

Location: Prachinburi

Completed date: May 2011
